The need to implicitly demonstrate sexual attraction arose in an age of strict rules and regulations, when attitudes toward intimate processes were taboo according to moral codes and church norms. Both the man and the woman had to prove to their partner that they were willing to act without fear of publicity and public distrust. In such cases, nonverbal cues made it possible to learn sympathy and desire.
To want a woman and not show her is bad from the perspective of a normal man. Therefore, a potential partner unconsciously or unconsciously tries to show interest in the object of desire through sexual gestures and postures.
When a man sees an attractive woman, he involuntarily begins to issue an "alpha male. "It indicates readiness for sexual intercourse with a confident posture and a high tone of the physical condition of your own body. This is usually manifested in the following manifestations:
- the man straightens his back and straightens his shoulders;
- trying to pull the stomach deeper;
- when a man is standing, his legs are shoulder-width apart, showing special stability and a strong position;
- it is also important to monitor the position of the sock of a man’s shoes, if any attractive person is interested, they will be referred to this woman;
- if a man sits in a chair, he inadvertently spreads his legs, as if demonstrating his own genitals, ready for mating.
The excited man begins to straighten his dress and hair, hoping to bring the woman’s attention to himself with his appearance. Instead of walking angular and heavy, it moves quickly like an athlete while correcting shape defects, straightening and removing his stomach.
The light from the eyes appears, the facial skin automatically tightens and the bags under the eyes disappear on their own. Usually, passion makes a person much younger and really makes it more desirable to a friend.
Such a gesture is rarely used today, many have forgotten about it, but even the thumb behind the trouser strap was a rough, ostentatious action against a woman fifty years ago, aimed at presenting their own genitals.
The delay in a man’s gaze reveals a lot about the object of desire. Looking into a woman’s eyes a little longer than is required by the rules of fairness indicates her excitement and willingness to have a closer relationship.
Factors influencing attractiveness
There are several factors that can affect men’s sexual desire. This factor must include:
- Visual image. The fact that the face of a loved one, the attractive smile of a stranger, and any other visual connection that has sexual connotation can arouse a person. However, after such signs, images of a future sexual relationship with the woman appear in her head.
- Excitement from the smell. The scent has an exciting effect on the stronger sex, especially the natural female aroma has similar properties. Essential oils and pheromones are often present in some mild pathogens.
- Hearing. Excitement from auditory contact is also possible. The sound of a name, a slight whisper can have an aphrodisiac effect on men.
- Taste. Few know, but excitement can also be exacerbated by certain aphrodisiac foods that increase genital blood circulation. These include nuts, seafood, bananas, honey and chocolate.
- Touches. Of course, the strongest will be the thrill of touch. In this case, of course, we are talking about a physiological reaction. Any healthy man will have an erection even after a short period of complacency. Increased excitement during intercourse.
From the first touch
Touches have a strong character, sometimes the ones that betray the full masculine desire to get closer to the partner. Watch the guy’s behavior: if you’re interested in him, he’ll do his best to match even the smallest details. In short-term or spontaneous contact with the body or hands, a guy may experience goosebumps all over his body, which will be about his excitement, increased desire to take possession.

If a young man feels sympathy for you, he will do his best to prove it in practice. She tries to involuntarily grab her hand, touch her knee, remove the hair from her eyes, alluding to the increased desire to continue the pleasant evening.
Touch sometimes reveals much more than the eye.
The shaking of the hands, some caution, the fear of scaring the partner, immediately betrays the man’s excitement.
Along with the touch, he begins to utter pleasant words, turns pale, sometimes blushes, feels a goosebumping wave when tactile contact interacts. At this moment, information is generated in the man's brain that directs his signs there, as he "thinks" in such situations.

Signs of sexual arousal in men
Sexual arousal is a form of stress for the body, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate and respiration, and dilation of the pupils, so it can be an indirect sign of a man's emotions, a rougher voice than usual.
The mainsign of sexual arousalin men, an erection occurs when the penis fills with blood and hardens, the pressure increases, which can reach the arterial pressure, which changes its shape somewhat and increases, e. g. It will be 6-7 cm longer and will increase in diameter by 2-3 cm and will be hard. This allows it to get into the vagina during intercourse.
But erections do not occur due to various vascular diseases, smoking, diabetes, or some kind of stress, nerve, or mental disorder. All of these diseases make it difficult for arterial cells to relax, and as a result, proper blood flow is not ensured.
In men, arousal is much easier and faster than in women, and its strength depends on the presence of the right amount of hormones and strength in the body. The level of irritability also depends on anthropology, for example, the low ones experience sexual attraction more than the tall guys.
In men, the excitement can only come from a thought about intercourse and quickly disappears after it is over, plus it can excite the man if he flirts with it, reveals his body, and so on.
If a man is very excited, he has a conditionsexual arousalit disappears very quickly and the process of sperm rejection occurs quickly. For men, in addition to various caresses, sexual stimulants also have a liberating effect. There can only be one kind of female genitals, the touch of it, and the feeling that a woman is excited. This includes various auditory, visual, and nasal passages.
In the intercourse itself, as the penis rubs against the wall of the vagina, the nerve endings become even more irritated and, as a result, even more excitement occurs, the man’s face may flush and begin to breathe frequently. If the friction is stopped for a short time, a gradual outflow of blood will occur and the penis will start to soften, if it restarts, an erection will occur again, allowing the sexual intercourse to be prolonged.
In men, the greatest sexual arousal and flow of pleasure is observed during orgasm and ejaculation, and the high is divided into 3 stages: this is the gradual accumulation of arousal, the highest degree of arousal, i. the orgasm itself, and the stage of diminished excitement.
Before the start of ejaculation, the man begins to feel the sweet contractions of the iron deferens and bubbles, these feelings last for a few seconds and are signs of the onset of orgasm. These contractions cease after the sperm is released under high pressure, and the upper ends also end there. Those. it only takes a few seconds.
After intercourse is complete, the opposite process is observed, called detumescence. At the same time, the rapid outflow of blood and the size of the penis decreases and becomes soft, but if a man is strongly attracted to his partner, this process can take a little longer.
Both men and women have a feeling of refractory break after feeling orgasm, a period when there is no excitement even after erogenous exposure. The duration of this period varies for men and can vary from a few minutes to several days.
Scientists identify a number of factors for the normal course of sexual intercourse, including: - neurohumoral, i. the process of blood flow that provides an influx of hormones that contribute to the development of sexual desire and arousal; - mental, which contributes to the development of an erection immediately before intercourse; - an erection that helps stimulate the penis - ejaculation, providing ejaculation.
How do you know a guy is horny?
As a permanent member, of course. Many girls think so. But this is wrong. After all, an erection may not be complete, not strong, or even absent when you get up. Therefore, it is definitely not possible for her sweetheart to stare between her legs.
The guy's excitement is also reflected in signs like:
- Fast breathing
- Conversation on intimate topics;
- Cardiopalmus;
- Thought disorder;
- A muffled voice.
In addition, the young man may begin to touch or molest. He can't control himself. He seems to have been drinking a little, though sober.
The pupils of such a man are dilated, his gaze a little silly. Anyway, the excitement is pretty much the same for girls.
In this case, it is worth considering the whole picture. Excitement manifests itself in everything. After all, if your heart is just fierce or smiles often, that doesn’t mean it. that he wants you. Maybe he's just shy.
Signs of a guy's excitement
There are several other indirect signs that you want intimacy:
- Thirst. Unless, of course, you’re really not hot right now;
- Inhibition of movements, or vice versa, high activity;
- Clothes, hairstyles, etc. setting;
- Sucking the abdomen and straightening the back;
- Unexpected disturbance.
In addition, a horny man undresses with his eyes, even if he is the most cultured guy in the world. And sometimes it can simply leave you (in a homely sense) scared of your feelings. This is possible on first dates. If you haven’t just met, you’d rather go home to you in that state.

And don't forget your tail. This (though stupid) is a proven method. Try to look thinner than the belt. If something "sticks out, " there's 100% excitement.
What excites the guys?
Almost anything can upset a young person. Starting with naked breasts and ending with simple conversations. Male sexuality is designed so that the desire for sex arrives quickly and is conveyed through images. That is, you don’t need a romantic evening and candles to crave you.
A lot of people don’t know, but banal hugs affect guys. In fact, in the process, the girl presses against her chest. Therefore, you should not hug your friend often if you are not planning to let him or her into your bed.
Keep in mind that a guy can be turned over: panties protruding under jeans, mesh tights, a short skirt, a large cutout on the dress, tight pants such as leggings, and so on. So don’t wear anything frank if you don’t want them to look like a piece of meat.
Exciting factors
Factors influencing fair sex excitement include:
- Love. This is the most important pathogen in women. Girls should always whisper kindly, gentle words in their ears. At the same time, love wins not only in word but also in deed. Therefore, one should not skimp on generous chivalrous deeds.
- The scent of a man. This factor largely determines the possibility of interaction between a woman and a man. In this case, we are talking about natural pheromones. If we are talking about perfume, you have to approach it very carefully here, carefully choosing one fragrance or another for yourself. That’s why a man shouldn’t save on such an important aspect.
- Appearance. This factor is also of great importance in excitement. The non-respectable representative of the stronger, who goes to the gym, takes care of his body and health, is already interesting to a woman. You also need to monitor the condition of your hair, nails, and even your clothes. A woman can be tossed up with a nice tie, a nice suit, a slightly unbuttoned shirt, matching lingerie, and more. It should also be noted that some women may experience a feeling of slightly spiky stubble, hairy and strong arms, and a male handle. As for the latter, this has already been laid down by nature.
- State. The place, the meeting or the date is especially important in the excitement. Many people always strive for the best, the arrangement of things is no exception in this case. Include music that can add more euphoria to a date, a nice place, delicious food that also includes the aphrodisiacs described above.

Erogenous zones
Some women assume that there is only one erogenous zone in the male body and that is in the lumbar region. In fact, everything is a little different. There are many more erogenous zones in the body of the stronger sex. To tune a partner to intimacy, you need to turn on your imagination and use not only your hands but your lips as well.
Where are the erogenous zones in men:
- Face and neck area. Scientists have been able to prove that these places are extremely sensitive. Stimulation of these zones helps to awaken desire in the gentleman. You can touch your neck with your fingertips, massage your earlobe and kiss your sweetheart on the cheek.
- Chest and back. Sexologists recommend that you start flirting with your loved one, taking turns touching the surface of your back and chest. You can also use a friend's shoulder, it is recommended to massage gently with wavy movements. The back is massaged all over the spine, its feel is soft and smooth. But often it is enough to just approach the man from behind and pull his hand along his chest towards the lower abdomen.
- Nipples. This erogenous zone stands out due to its high sensitivity. Touching this area can bring pleasure to your partner and cause discomfort. Because the sensitivity of not everyone is stronger is a purely individual matter.
- Stomach. This is an area that requires special attention. You can touch it with your hands, lips and even your head. Crown massage is widespread in Thailand and beyond. It follows certain rules: the girl sits on top of her mate, tilts her head, and touches the top of her head to her belly in a circular motion. The diameter of the circle gradually increases. Such a massage not only arouses the man but also increases his sexual activity.
- Hands and fingers. To stay in bed with a loved one for a long time, you need to pay attention to your palm. They can be: rubbing, kissing, ironing. There are nerve endings on the fingertips, which improve the transmission of impulses to the brain.
- Inner thigh. In order to quickly tune your partner to the right mood, it is worth giving him a foot massage, definitely touching this area. Blood flows through the arteries to the organs of the reproductive system, foot massage improves blood flow and provides a long-lasting erection. For this reason, he is used to treat impotence.

How to quickly arouse a loved one in bed with your hands and caresses? To do this, you have to hug your partner by the chest with your hand and press it to your back with your bare chest.
For "everything to succeed" and the partner to rejoice in the intimacy of his love, he must be liberated, active. The most important thing is to feel the man, it allows you to predict your desires, read your innermost thoughts.
Does the guy have to be horny or already horny?
There are several ways to check if your lover wants sex now. As you know, an erection is the most conspicuous sign of men’s excitement, but of course this is not always controllable. That’s why it’s worth knowing a few more, less conspicuous details that reveal your partner’s secret desires.
- Physiological signs. During the excitement, small changes begin in the work of the male body - the pulse speeds up, sweating increases, and a slight tremor of the hands and voice is possible. The latter, by the way, will often be low and slightly hoarse, earning some velvety and playful tickets.
- Seeing. When a guy craves you, he literally eats your body with his eyes. Usually, a man’s state of arousal resembles an easy trance that won’t be hard to catch in his eyes.
- Posture and gestures. A man burning with sexual desire always turns his body towards you. Guys often put on a confident macho pose, fold their hands on their belts, and push their bodies slightly forward, as if to demonstrate their dignity. Although it doesn't always work - it all depends on the person's character and self-esteem.
- Talk. If a man’s thoughts are preoccupied with your body, there may be long breaks in conversations. This means that your lover is so immersed in fantasies about sex that he simply loses the ability to think of anything else.

Words and caresses
If your sweetheart isn’t in a hurry to go to bed, try to excite her with words. You may have a rich vocabulary and know your partner’s preferences, but you will still feel uncomfortable whispering different phrases to him.
The choice of words and phrases is done individually, much depends on the gentleman’s receptivity. But for best results, you need to complement the words with love.

Fondling is a broad concept that can include hands, feet, kisses, and other elements of a love game. However, oral contact is also called caressing, as is intimate massage.
If you have chosen to comprehensively influence your loved one, you can combine love, kissing, caressing with words. This allows the man to reach the peak of excitement faster.
If all of the above methods do not work, you may want to consider using the pathogen. Aphrodisiacs, lubricants, tablets and creams work as such. But it is better to coordinate their use with a partner - this will help you avoid awkward situations.

Signs of clear attention
In fact, it’s not hard to understand if a man wants you. He won't be very secretive.
It is important for women not to show compassion, to be modest, mysterious, to act, and to cause suffering to men in ignorance. But the stronger one is arranged differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent
Probably a man will show signs of attention because he doesn’t just want a woman, he’s definitely thinking about how to get it. To achieve this, you have to take constant care of it, give nice gifts and flowers, say nice compliments, and so on.
Sexual desire makes you choose special gifts and say special words. It will be different from romantic youthful urges and will certainly have subtle sexual overtones. This way you can reliably and accurately understand what is going on in the gentleman’s mind.
If you’ve gifted me with sexy lingerie, negligee, or a dressing gown - it’s already an open offer, and not even a hint. But this rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute trinkets - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets and sweets.
She suddenly became so beautiful. . .
Every man understands perfectly well that in order to get into his strong arms, he must be attractive.
So it changes suddenly - she wears a fresh shirt, she always smells good, and she no longer remembers when she was unshaven.
The look gives a direct answer - if you always look neat and fresh when you go to a meeting with you, you’re likely to be attracted to it and hope to find it.
The hands reach out like a magnet. . .
For every man, the female body is an object of admiration. And if a man wants you, he will first experience an irresistible desire to touch. It’s easy to distinguish simple, friendly touches from those with sexual connotations.
If her touches are gentle, very mild, often as if by chance, this is a clear sign of sexual desire.
It is also worth knowing the places where the male hands reach out. This place is slightly below the waist (a well-mannered man is unlikely to grab her butt, though she will certainly have that desire), hair and neck, face, wrists, hips, knees, feet.
In addition, men are always very excited about the smell of women. That’s why you may notice that a man wants to smell it - to say something in his ear while he sucks in the scent of his hair, kisses, sucks in the scent of perfume.

He is better than the others!
If you are with a man of your choice or in a joint company, and there are other members of your gender, you are obviously trying to be better than the others.
Men are by nature leaders, conquerors, it is very important that they be the first. So you do your best to be much better than others in order to reach your place
Usually, a woman will not have a hard time finding out that a man really wants her.
Everything betrays this desire in him: his eyes will be as if they are drawn, his gaze will wander and he cannot stop in front of your eyes, he will be a little nervous, he will obviously be watching you, and he will be watching you as a predator.
Not even the most modest and timid guy will be able to hide his desire. It is too strong and one way or another, it will still manifest itself.
Another question is how to use this knowledge. A woman is born to be admired to be the object of desire and dreams.